Double bass and bass guitar Lessons


. Music is a practice where intuition end the rational brain are collaborating. A practicing session is comparable to meditation; it improves your inner balance for daily life.

. The effortless way of practicing is the most efficient and enjoyable way to learn, and this requires be relaxed during  the practice.

. The double bass and the bass guitar are challenging instruments that demand a technical work, and when you practice the right way you will feel an “organic” satisfaction of progressing into music.



. RHYTM: as a musician and especially as a double bass or bass player is a full subject that requires a special attention.

. HARMONY AND MELODY: As a bass player you need to have a basic understanding of melody and harmony analysis

. REPERTOIRE:  Jazz-blues-latin and pop… It is important that the student chooses the repertoire he really likes.

My role is to guide students to an efficient way of practicing. To reach this target, lessons are organised in a structured but playful way.Music has the power to fascinate the one who listens, and learning music has the power to fascinate the one who is learning!



. Home studio session once or twice per year: while in music schools the end of the seasons (December and June) are punctuated with a band concerts with an audience, in the private lessons at the end of the seasons; students are recorded in my home studio where they will play: the bass line, the melody, eventually chords and rhythms. After that students will be able to listen to their self-made music and share it  if they want.


You want to do a try out lesson and check how it feels?




Sinds zo'n anderhalf jaar heb ik contrabasles van Guillaume Ortet, contrabassist en muziekproducer. Guillaume is een, voor mij, inspirerende persoonlijkheid. Zijn lessen kenmerken zich door: het gevoel voor de muziek, zijn geduld, zijn enthousiasme en vooral zijn gedrevenheid om iemand iets te leren daarbij rekening houdend met je voorkeur voor muzieksoort.Ik kom er altijd gelukkiger vandaan. Naast al dit is Guillaume een bijzonder prettige man om les van te krijgen. 

ENGLISH: Since about a year and a half I have double bass lessons from Guillaume Ortet, double bass player and music producer. Guillaume is an inspiring personality for me. His lessons are characterized by: the feeling for the music, his patience, his enthusiasm and especially his drive to teach someone while taking into account your preference for the type of music.I always get happier from it. In addition to all this, Guillaume is a very pleasant man to get lessons from.